Friday, December 31, 2010


so, another year has gone, I vaguely remember thinking to myself that 2010 was going to be amazing, but it hasn't but thats no ones fault but mine( studying full time and not being employed ha ha). So hopefully this coming year will be alot better!!

so my resolutions are

* Get a job = Money = social life
*Replace pretty much all the clothes in my wardrobe
*get more into animal welfare
*buy a cheap but cool car so i can reliably go places 
*Volunteer at animal shelters/rescues (requires the above)
*Seriously consider moving to south east Queensland

 hope you're al doing fun things for NYE, I'm at home with a monster headache watching Pride and Prejudice. I've also made my ratties a little haven on the couch where they are currently munching on vitawheats and lettuce awaiting the fireworks on tv.

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