Monday, June 1, 2009

winter. day one.

Had the most amazing weekend. Went and saw the Presets (for the millionth time). Was great, it was all ages gig, and i now see the importance of over 18s, so many silly half naked girls pretending to me more smashed then they really were.

but one of the best parts of nights out in surry hills/gigs is going to Zenu's Pizza bar on Crown street. It's a very small, humble tradition lebanese kitchen. Best falafel wraps in the world.

im really quite stressed out at the moment, i have 8 assignments due by end of term, going to hawaii in a few days, have to pack, people have put me in a bad mood.

so as a slight distraction i thought i'd post this, all my recent favourite photos. i know it's alot but when will i ever get around to posting them all if i don't do it now!

im going to be slack and just give the link to my Deviant Art favourites page which tese are all in xx

1 comment:

Slanelle said...

the 1st pic is amazing, and yeahhh for underwater pic :)